Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Future of Old Media: Description

I will introduce the topic by briefly discussing old media: what it is, it’s beginnings & it’s contributions to society. Next, I want to examine what has been happening to it now that new media is on the rise and answer questions such as how are companies affected by this and how are they trying to survive. For example, in an article from The Atlantic titled, “End Times,” Michael Hirschorn wrote that newspaper companies such as The New York Times are in deep debt as shown in their books and are “destined for significant and traumatic change.” It shows that new media impacts a company as huge and well known as The NY Times; although the economic crisis may have played a role in that. Of course, I will research that further. Lastly, I will attempt to voice my opinion in what I think what will happen to old media.

What is new media?

As opposed to old media, new media involves technologies that make information timely, easily accessible and stored. Examples coming from our generation are computers, laptops, palm pilots and cell phones. Those give us access to the internet to get us what we need, usually the moment we need it. But before our digital age, new media technologies started out as magnetic TV recorder in 1950 (from From that, a video tape recorder was invented; stereos with Hi-Fi components were introduced and many more such as portable camcorders, graphically-based software and CDs came along. Certainly with time and advancing knowledge, technology became more highly developed, giving us things such as Wi-Fi, fiber optic networks, and DVD players.

The internet is very important to new media. In our age where information is essential, the internet has been the most utilized source. Take for example the Brooklyn blog, Home owners of 93rd Street in Bay Ridge, started posting on the blog about the questionable activities of one particular house. What could be seen as neighborhood gossip, turned into complaints brought to the attention of the precinct and Community Board. This led to the arrest of the owners of that particular house for drug activity. In a positive light, the great thing about the internet is maintaining anonymity. Neighbors in that community didn’t have to reveal their identity to share information. Also, the blog allowed them communicate which is one of the best characteristics of the internet.

Now- a- days communication comes along side information; and where is the best place to do this: The internet. For example, people keep in touch or do business through emails, instant messaging and internet phone like Skype. The person can be in the opposite side of the world and they still are able to communicate easily and quickly as opposed to good old snail mail!

For reasons such as the immediate demand for current information, prompt communications, and sharing messages and ideas, new media is taking the place of old media which is trying to reform to keep up with today’s standards. In the article, “Clive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think,” Thompson wrote about MadV, a YouTube member who put up a short video with the word ”One World” written on his palm, while wearing a Guy Fawkes mask. This made YouTube history by being the most responded video, 2,000 replies! His message couldn’t have the same affect if it was, for example, an Ad in a newspaper. Furthermore, the whole world was able to see it and respond to it within minutes, hours and days. As seen here, new media inspires creativity.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Of Interest

I saw this article in yesterday's NYT. I thought I would share it because I think it pertains to our class. It's also a cool site!

Site Link:

Article Link:

Friday, September 11, 2009


I've never created a blog before or understood it's purpose. But, this actually seems like a fun way of understanding blogs better.