Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blogs Vs. Wikis

Blogs and wikis are both part of Web 2.0 where users control content. A blog is more like online diary or journal for one user while wikis contain information compiled by many users. In a blog, user can use it to write their on opinion on something or share information on something. Take for example, celebrity blogs by gossip blogger Perez Hilton. From the article “Celebrity Blogs: The Impact of New Media,” Hilton is able to post pictures with a matter or hours on his site (much faster than celebrity magazines) and makes a comment on them. He can be COMPLETELY honest in what he says without having to answer to an editor like magazines. It’s exercise of freedom of speech. Now, whether that’s good or bad, is subjective. A wiki, on the other hand, is used more to contribute and share information. Given that a user has the application software to edit (blogs don’t need one), he or she can add or remove the information that’s on a wiki. There is also syntax used when editing. Content on a wiki can be linked to an external site or internal wiki. Caution must be taken when using information from a wiki like wikipedia. As noted in a New York Times article titled “Wikipedia Looks Hard at Its Culture,” Wikipedia has contained errors or damaged information that affects its credibility and purpose. It also drives away potential contributors. New found freedom that wiki and blogs gives rise new concerns.

Convergence in today’s networked world is important. It is an indication of people’s creativity of combining two existing ideas to one. Take for example TiVo; it enables people to record (technology) their favorite shows (entertainment) on TV while they aren’t able to watch. Viewers can stop, rewind, fast forward or skip commercials as they please. Convergence not only benefits society’s inhabitants; it contributes to the economy because new businesses may arise from the product of convergence.

Blogs can be used for collaboration the way our online New Media class is conducted. We share our thoughts and information with each other by posting up our assignments on our blogs where our fellow classmates can read and comment on it as opposed to sending the Professor our assignments individually. We also have our classmates on a blogroll which enables us to see what they have posted.

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