Friday, December 4, 2009

Wiki So Far...

Well the title of this blog isn’t fitting since it’s late. But, I figured should just briefly write about what I did for the class Wiki and my thoughts…

I didn’t really know what I should contribute to. There were a lot of interesting topics but I chose the copyrights section under Intellectual Property Law since no one really contributed anything to the section. This is an important topic particularly now-a-days because many users like to put things up on sites like YouTube. It would be good to know what is allowed on sites to avoid issues. I briefly spoke about what a copyright is, protected works, protected rights and issues and new media. I thought the Wiki syntax would be difficult to figure out but it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Putting in the image of the copyright symbol was the part I had difficulty in. It took me a while to figure out how to actually insert the image (just had to upload it) and formatting it.

I also added links in the RSS Feeds section in the New Media in Web Design topic. The links I added it were sample readers which are needed to subscribe to a feed and sample RSS Feeds. I also included links to learn more about the topic.

Overall, I actually thought this was a fun experience once I understood what I was supposed to be doing. Also, it’s a good way to learn about new topics.

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